The Sustainable Energy Technical Assistance (SETA), a project of the Ministry of Energy, provides institutional capacity development support for the sustainable energy sector in Kenya.
SETA was born in the wake of the Sustainable Energy for All’s Action Agenda and investment prospectus and is conceived to contribute to its implementation in Kenya. (SEforAll AA and IP)
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction and accelerated and inclusive economic growth, including through a more sustainable and efficient energy sector in line with the targets of SE4All.
The purpose of the project is to provide institutional and other support to public and private stakeholders of the Kenyan energy sector in the identification, planning and implementation of renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency projects.

Results to be achieved by the project.
Result 1
Capacity of the public stakeholders of the Kenyan energy sector at national and county levels to develop, assess and implement energy plans and projects in priority areas like renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency and conservation is enhanced.
Result 2
Public engagement with the private sector and the civil society, with a specific emphasis on women and youth, on development and implementation of energy plans and projects is strengthened, knowledge and skills of these stakeholders in renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency is improved, and private sector stakeholders are supported regarding identification and realisation of business and job opportunities provided by SE4All priority areas.
- Increasing public engagement with the private sector
- Improving private sector knowledge of and skills in the RE/EA/EE thematic areas, awareness of and ability to successfully seize business and job opportunities related to the RE/EA/EE thematic areas
- Maintaining a cross-cutting focus on gender and youth issues in private sector engagement
- SETA will build the capacity of the civil society as key actors in SEforAll Action Agenda the energy access through:Increasing CSOs awareness and knowledge on the energy sector and the SE4ALL targets at national and county level
- Ensuring improved public sector engagement with CSOs on energy issues, by increasing county-level CSOs’ capacity on inclusive planning methodologies and the energy technologies
- Increasing knowledge and skills to undertake effective community engagement, community awareness raising and knowledge sharing
- Building capacity for mainstreaming gender in energy.