Sustainable Energy Technical Assistance

Planning for Impact
SETA provides a path to more inclusive and integrated energy planning - beyond a development wish-list to real priorities and integrated solutions.Who we are
Sustainable Energy Technical Assistance (SETA) is a project of the Ministry of Energy with funding from the EU to provide institutional capacity development support for the sustainable energy sector in Kenya in the identification, planning and implementation of renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency projects.
What we do
SETA provides institutional and other support to public and private stakeholders of the Kenyan energy sector in the identification, planning and implementation of renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency projects.
How we Do It
The project provides technical support primarily to the Ministry of Energy, County Governments, private sector (including sector associations) and civil society organisations working in the energy sector. There will be several types of support, all to be generated on a demand driven basis:

Technical assistance
Technical assistance through a team of experts under the project

On the job trainings
Organisation and implementation of training courses, workshops and seminars to transfer knowledge and increase ownership and understanding
Production of documents
Documents such as studies in areas related to sustainable energy, learning material, toolkits, guidelines, procedures, visibility material, etc.
Funding and Implementation

Meru County on course with energy plan